School of Arts and Sciences

Advising Q and A: Recent Answers

How do I get off probation?

Develop a plan with the assistance of an intervention specialist in the Academic Resource Center, G-1 Gardner Steel Conference Center.

Answered 14 years 40 weeks ago.
How do I register for a class?


See your academic advisor. If you are a guest student, visit 201 Thackeray Hall.

Answered 14 years 48 weeks ago.
How do I get into a closed class?


Obtain a closed class permission form from the instructor or department and obtain the instructor's approval and signature. Fill out an add/drop form and return both forms to the Registrar's Office in G-3 Thackeray Hall.

Answered 14 years 48 weeks ago.
How do I add and/or drop a course?


Obtain an enrollment form from the Advising Center in 201 Thackeray Hall, fill it out and return it to the Registrar's Office in G-1 Thackeray Hall.

Answered 14 years 48 weeks ago.
How do I withdraw from a course?


Freshman should see their advisor first. All other students should see their advisor before withdrawing from a skills course. (Check the Academic Calendar to see the deadlines for withdrawing from courses.)

Answered 14 years 48 weeks ago.
How do I declare a major or multiple majors, or change my major?


Speak with your academic advisor about declaring a major or majors. To change your major, visit Student Records in 140 Thackeray Hall. or the Advising Center in 201 Thackeray Hall.

Answered 14 years 48 weeks ago.
How do I appeal my suspension or dismissal?


Make an appointment to speak with a dean, either in person or by phone, by calling 412-624-6480.

Answered 14 years 48 weeks ago.
How do I apply for a student loan, financial aid or work-study?


Visit the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid in 120 Alumni Hall.

Answered 14 years 48 weeks ago.
How can I get free tutoring?


Check out the Arts and Sciences Tutoring page for schedules and information. If you don't see your subject listed, call the Academic Resource Center at 412-648-7920.

Answered 14 years 48 weeks ago.
How do I study abroad?


View the various types of study abroad opportunities.

Answered 14 years 48 weeks ago.